Reading Schedule & Due Dates, Post-Spring Break (2-3 PM Section)
Mon March 19: Class Canceled. Watch “Hoop Dreams” (1994) on Hulu. Take notes using the sheet I distributed in class on 3.7 (also available for download here). Read *Robin D.G. Kelley, “Looking to Get Paid.”
Weds March 21: We’ll discuss “Hoop Dreams” and the Kelley reading.
Fri March 23: Read for Class: *Lipsitz, “The Hip-Hop Hearings.”
Mon March 26: Read for Class: *Chin, “Hemmed In and Shut Out,” “Anthropologist Takes Inner-City Children on Shopping Sprees.”
Weds March 28: Read for Class: *Chin, “Ethnically Correct Dolls: Toying with the Race Industry.”
Fri March 30: Final Blog Post Due, by 5 pm. Read for Class: Introduction, Michelle Ann Abate, Raising Your Kids Right: Children’s Literature and American Political Conservatism. Search for the book in UT’s library catalog. You’ll need to log in with your EID.
Mon April 2: In-Class Workshop Day (Bring Your Laptop): Research Process.
Weds April 4: In-Class Workshop Day (Bring Your Laptop): Research Process.
Fri April 6: In-Class Workshop Day (Bring Your Laptop): Finishing Up Research Process.
Mon April 9: Read for Class: Princesses!
Read First (because it’s the first article published that summed up and critiqued the phenomenon):
- Peggy Orenstein, “What’s Wrong With Cinderella?,” New York Times Magazine, December 24, 2006 (link to article in PDF form).
Read in whatever order you’d like (recent updates, critiques, and satires):
- Molly Shalgos, “Characteristics of Disney Princesses That Have Never Actually Gotten Me A Date,” The Hairpin, September 9, 2011 (link to article)
- Jim Griffioen, “Sweet Juniper’s Historically Accurate Coloring Book of Cruel and Unhappy Princesses,” Sweet Juniper, February 29, 2012 (link to article)
- Peggy Orenstein, “Disney Agrees: Princesses are Unhealthy for Girls,” Peggy Orenstein’s Blog, December 14, 2011 (link to article)
Weds April 11: Read for Class: *Louv, “Introduction,” “The New Relationship Between Children and Nature.”
Fri April 13: Paper Proposal Due, by 5 pm. Read for Class: *Nelson, “Introduction,” “Parenting and Technology.”
Mon April 16: Read for Class: *Jenkins, “’Complete Freedom of Movement’.”
Weds April 18: Read for Class: *Davidson, “The Attention Deficit Society—And What We Can Do About It”; *Carr, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”
Fri April 20: Read for Class: Hunger Games, Part 1 (pp 1-130); Laura Miller, “Fresh Hell: What’s Behind the Boom in Dystopian Fiction for Young Readers?” (New Yorker, June 14, 2010). Link to Miller article in PDF.
Mon April 23: Classes Canceled, Student Paper Conferences (we’ll sign up for these in class)
Weds April 25: Classes Canceled, Student Paper Conferences (we’ll sign up for these in class)
Fri April 27: Read for Class: Hunger Games, Part 2 (pp 133-244); Rebecca Hains, “Katniss Everdeen: The First Post-Girl-Power Hero” (Rebecca Haines’ blog, April 9, 2012); Roxie Moxie, “Yes, There Are Black People In Your Hunger Games” (Racialicious, November 15, 2011); Dodai Stewart, “Racist Hunger Games Fans Are Very Disappointed” (Jezebel, March 26, 2012).
Mon April 30: “Speed-Date” Peer Review: Bring Intro/Thesis of Paper to Class.
Weds May 2: Finish Hunger Games; read Timothy Noah, “The Immorality of ‘Hunger Games'” (The New Republic, April 30, 2012).
Fri May 4: Last Day of Classes: Kid Stars of YouTube. Evaluations.
Weds May 9: Final Paper Due, via email, by 5 pm.