KONY must be captured!!!
This week in Facebook, there were lots of same video post on friends time lines. Video post name called, KONY 2012. I assume that every body will think this video is some commercialized clip (short version of new movie), because of impression of name ‘KONY’. However this video is not for advertising the cartoon or new movie, this is about person ‘Kony’ who is the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda. This short film tells us about crimes of Kony. According to this film, “Kony is accused of abducting children for decades, making the boys child soldiers and the girls sex slaves.”This 30 minute film video was the hottest issue on Facebook, it made over 50 million viewers online within four days,according to ABC news, which is very close to the purpose of this film as it aims to put Kony’s name in every household’s conversation by making his name famous and asking for help from the famous and powerful. His secret identity has been expose to world, but this job is not done by politician or big groups of adults crusaders. Viewer of this clip were the most of them young people. In the ABC news, “We hit the streets to find out who has viewed the viral documentary and who knows the name Joseph Kony. We began with the video’s targeted audience: students.”It’s all over social networking sites and the Internet,” Joseph Latterner said. “I know there’s this viral campaign, 30-minute video that’s instructional on ways to get involved in the movement.” Young people in the Cape Fear have even taken to Facebook with their support.But what about those of older generations? Many of the folks we asked had no idea who Kony is.” This is new activities and roles of young people in the War. This might not be war as it is, but it is new type of war as social movement. They are fighting against Kony by using Social network. Their influence might be limited now, but it will expand to the adult world because young viewer will talk about it at dinner table, and it will lead this war against Knoy to victory.